Design of the movie player¶
API calls on that the JavaScript movie player can use¶
get-frame - returns the frame as JPEG
Gets an individual frame. Returns a JPEG of the frame that is fetched from S3 (if the frame is available) or from the movie (by single-framing through the movie if the frame is not available).
If it has to single frame through the movie, it saves the frame.
Status: Implemented
If movie is rotated, all of the frames and trackpoints have to be deleted. This should be done automatically on the server.
Status: Implemented
Gets information about individual frames. Parameters:
frame_start - starting frame to get;
frame_count - count of frames to get; 0 for no frames
what - comma-delimited string - ‘trackpoints’, ‘annotations’, ‘urls’
Returns JSON dictionary:
[‘metadata’] - movie metadata (same as get-metadata)
[‘frames’] - annotations, trackpoints, or URLS.
[‘frames’][‘10’] (where ‘10’ is a frame number) - per-frame dictionary.
[‘frames’][‘10’][‘trackpoints’] - array of the trackpoints for that frame
[‘frames’][‘10’][‘annotations’] - array of the annotations for that frame
[‘frames’][‘10’][‘frame_url’] - signed URL for the frame
Client Side¶
Tunable Constants¶
FRAME_BATCH_SIZE - number of frames that get loaded at once
FRAME_LOW_WATER_MARK - When this close to last
State Variables¶
api_key - user’s API key
movie_id - movie being tracked
total_frames - Total number of frames, which go from from 0 to (total_frames-1)
last_tracked_frame - last frame that was tracked. Typically 0 or total_frames-1. (Frame 0 is manually tracked.)
current_frame - current frame of movie displayed
tracking - true if server is currently tracking frames and player is waiting for tracking to be done.
playing - true if player is currently playing a movie.
frames[] - dictionary that matches what was returned above
‘url’ is the URL to load for the frame
‘jpeg’ is a JPEG for the frame, or null if it hasn’t loaded yet.
fps - frames for per second for playback
Class Hierarchy¶
native (w,h)
zoomed (w,h) (the <canvas> is actually resized.)
future: put in a scroller.
HTML objects it owns:
<canvas> where things get drawn
<div> where canvas marker inventory is displayed
zoom pull-down
display list with draggable objects.
Zoom with objects that can be zoomable or not zoomable
Button to create new objects
CanvasItem - root class for things that goes on the CanvasController:
(x,y) (w,h) rectangle
draw method (in canvas coordinates; zooming is invisible to items.)
Hit detection
MarkerItem(CanvasItem)- Markers/Trackpoints
ImageItem(CanvasItem) - draws an image (does not load it.)
Subclass of CanvasController.
Loaded with URLs of every frame.
Outlets for movement buttons:
Jump Forward 10 sec
Jump Backward 10 sec
Frame counter
Implements load logic.
Owns a Canvas Controller (not a subclass of it)
Callback when Trackers are moved
On end of drag, sends new trackpoints to server - but this does not retrack the movie or delete other trackpoints.
(playing == false && tracking == false) or (playing==true and tracking==false) or (tracking==true and playing==false)
0 <= last_tracked_frame < total_frames
total_frames > 0
0 <= current_frame < total_frames
User Stories¶
Initial Page Loads:
MoviePlayer gets first frame and trackpoints to display (give user immediate freedback).
MoviePlayer requests background load of first FRAME_BATCH_SIZE frames.
Movie playing:
When player gets to LAST_FRAME_LOADED-BUFFER, it requests the next N frames. (with an async load request.)
If we get to frame N and frame N+1 isn’t loaded, we do a request to load just it and a request to do the next FRAME_BATCH_SIZE.
checkbox to ‘show trails’ which causes track trails to be display from 0..current_frame
Moving track points:
Whenever a track point is moved, the ‘retrack from here to end’ is displayed.
When ‘track from here’ button is clicked, all other buttons are disabled until track ing is finished.
When tracking:
All buttons are disabled.
Track status displays. When the last frame is tracked, buttons are re-enabled.
Download buttons:
Original movie
Tracked movie (Do we need this?)
GIF showing the tracking
Download trackpoints