Upload and Track User Story¶
Here is the simple user story for how a movie is uploaded and tracked.
User Story¶
User uploads a movie with the (existing) upload feature. Movie is uploaded as an MP4. IMPLEMENTED
[ ] If the user uploads a quicktime, convert it to an MP4 with ffpmeg: https://superuser.com/questions/1155186/convert-mov-video-to-mp4-with-ffmpeg.
User clicks “analyze” on the movie list. IMPLEMENTED
Screen clears and shows the first frame of the movie with the tools for adding and moving trackpoints.
[ ] frame_start is set to 0.
[ ] A text field with the frame number is shown.
[ ] A new button goto frame N is available. We use frame number.
[ ] Requires update to get-frame API that gets frame N from the movie
[ ] Requires update to get-frame implementation to use Quicktime API to stream through the movie and choose the Nth frame.
User identifies four points:
ruler0 - the origin of the calibration ruler.
rulerNN - the location of milimeter NN on the ruler. (e.g. ruler10 for the 10mm/1cm mark)
plant1 - a control point on the plant being monitored
plant2 - Another control point on the plant being monitored.
[ ] The above message is displayed as a help message in the analysis pane. The message is specified in the file analysis.js.
User clicks “track movie”
[ ] analyze.js sends the trackpoints to the server with the /api/put-frame-analysis API call.
[ ] analyze.js displays tracking… to the user.
[ ] analyze.js runs the API call /api/track-movie which initiates server-side tracking from frame n=0.
- param:
- param:
- param:
frame_start (frame number) (trackpoints for this frame must be in the database)
Possible return codes:
[ ] error True - Message - Only two ruler trackpoints may be specified
[ ] error True - Message - No plant trackpoints detected
[ ] error False - Plant tracked. analyze.js proceeds to step 6.
The track-movie API call did the following:
[ ] Runs tracker.track_movie_from_db which:
[ ] Creates a temporary file on the server file system for the movie (because OpenCV will not track from memory)
[ ] Copies frames 0..(N-1) original movie to output file, rendering the points and the frame number with what’s already in the database.
[ ] Tracks from frames N to the end, starting with the provided trackpoints.
[ ] The tracked points are written into the database table movie_frame_trackpoints for each frame.
In both cases, rendering includes the points and the frame number.
[ ] Write the new rendered tracked movie to the database with the title {old-title} TRACKED
[ ] If a previous ‘tracked movie’ is in the database, delete it.
[ ] Return OK to caller.
When the tracking is done:
[ ] the tracking… is replaced with movie tracked
[ ] The tracked movie appears underneath the original movie (UX principle: don’t make unexpected changes)
[ ] A play button appears for the new movie.
If the user notices that the tracking diverges from the video, they will be able to retrack from frame NN.
[ ] A text field ‘frame #’ is present.
[ ] A button analyze from frame # is present.
[ ] Clicking the button reloads the tracking system but starting with frame frame_start
When the user is done, the user can click ‘return to list’ and go back to the list. (There is no save button.)
Now the user sees two movies - the original movie and the tracked movie.
There is also a download button which downloads all of the trackpoints from the database as a CSV.
[ ] Implement a download button.
[ ] The students will have to do the triangle math to turn the two ruler points and the tracked point into an (x,y) on a mm scale. This requires high school trig.
Do we want to use frame numbers, or always use msec?
frame number and msec are easy to calculate from each other, assuming a constant frame rate.
If the frame rate is not constant, we need both.
The original database of frames was to support frame uploading, not frame access.
If we don’t know the movie rate, then we only have frame number. So frame number should always be supported.
Do we want to use movie time, or real time? - We always use movie time, since we might not know real-time.
If we are using real time, how do we get the scaling factor?
[ ] Implement /api/track-movie
[ ] Remove tracking code from get-frame and implement get-frame N code.
[ ] Implement updates to analyze.js for frame 0
[ ] Implement updates to analyze.js for frame N
[ ] Implement download of CSV file